Canada family visa from bangladesh

Canada offers several family sponsorship programs that allow Canadian citizens and permanent residents to sponsor their family members for permanent residency in Canada. Here are the general details and requirements for sponsoring family members from Bangladesh:

Eligibility Criteria:

To sponsor a family member, you need to meet certain eligibility requirements. You must be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident. At least 18 years old, and meet certain income requirements to demonstrate your ability to financially support the sponsored family members.

  1. Sponsored Family Members: You can sponsor the following family members:
    • Spouse or common-law partner
    • Dependent children (including adopted children)
    • Parents or grandparents
    • Other eligible relatives in specific circumstances
  2. Financial Requirements: Sponsors need to demonstrate they have the financial means to support their sponsored family members. This is to ensure that sponsored individuals do not rely on social assistance upon arriving in Canada.
  3. Application Process: The sponsorship process involves two main steps: the sponsor’s application and the sponsored person’s application for permanent residency.
    • Sponsors need to submit an application to the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) along with the required documents and fees.
    • The sponsored family members also need to submit their permanent residency applications along with the necessary documents, medical examinations, and security checks.
  4. Processing Time: Processing times can vary depending on the type of family sponsorship. Spousal sponsorship applications typically have shorter processing times compared to parent or grandparent sponsorships.
  5. Super Visa for Parents and Grandparents: The Super Visa allows parents and grandparents to visit their family in Canada for extended periods. It’s a multiple-entry visa that can be valid for up to 10 years, allowing stays of up to two years at a time.
    • The Super Visa is a special type of visa designed for parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens and permanent residents who wish to visit their family in Canada for an extended period. It allows them to stay in Canada for up to two years at a time without the need to renew their status. The Super Visa is particularly useful for families who want to maintain close ties and spend quality time with their loved ones in Canada. Here are some key details about the Super Visa:
    • Eligibility Criteria: To be eligible for a Super Visa, applicants must meet certain criteria, including:
      • Being the parent or grandparent of a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.
      • Having a signed letter of invitation from the child or grandchild who is inviting them to Canada.
      • Providing proof of financial support from the child or grandchild in Canada, demonstrating that the sponsor meets the Minimum Necessary Income (MNI) requirement.
      • Purchasing private medical insurance coverage for at least one year.
      • Undergoing a medical examination to prove they are in good health.
      • Meeting other standard immigration requirements, including admissibility checks.
    • Private Medical Insurance: Super Visa applicants are required to have private medical insurance coverage from a Canadian insurance company. This coverage must be valid for at least one year and should cover health care, hospitalization, and repatriation. This requirement is in place to ensure that visitors have access to medical care without relying on public health care services.
    • Length of Stay: The Super Visa allows approved applicants to stay in Canada for up to two years without needing to renew their status. This extended stay period allows parents and grandparents to spend more time with their family in Canada.
    • Multiple Entries: The Super Visa is a multiple-entry visa, which means that holders can leave and re-enter Canada multiple times within the validity period of the visa. This flexibility makes it convenient for families who want to travel back and forth between Canada and their home country.
    • Application Process: The application process for the Super Visa includes providing the necessary documentation, such as the letter of invitation, proof of financial support, medical insurance, and passing the medical examination. The process can be complex, and it’s recommended to carefully follow the application guidelines provided by the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).
    • Processing Time: Processing times for Super Visa applications can vary. It’s advisable to apply well in advance of the intended travel dates to ensure that the visa is issued in time.
    • Visa Fee: There is an application fee associated with the Super Visa, which is non-refundable, even if the application is denied.
    • The Super Visa is a valuable option for parents and grandparents who want to maintain their relationships with family members in Canada for an extended period.
  6. Medical and Security Checks: Sponsored family members are required to undergo medical examinations and security checks as part of the immigration process.
  7. Minimum Necessary Income (MNI): Sponsors need to meet the Minimum Necessary Income requirement to demonstrate their ability to financially support the sponsored family members. The MNI varies depending on the size of the family unit and the number of people being sponsored.
  8. Undertaking and Sponsorship Agreement: Sponsors are required to sign an undertaking, a legally binding agreement that commits them to providing financial support to their sponsored family members for a specific period.
  9. Processing Fees: There are fees associated with the sponsorship process, including the sponsorship application fee, the permanent residency application fee, medical examination fees, and any other applicable charges.

Please note that immigration policies and procedures can change over time. It’s important to check the official website of the Government of Canada or consult with an authorized immigration consultant or lawyer for the most up-to-date information before initiating the sponsorship process.