Important 50 mcq spelling correction for bcs and bank exam

Here are 50 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) with answers focused on correct spelling, suitable for BCS and job exams:

  1. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) Accomodate B) Accommodate C) Acommodate D) Acomodate Answer: B) Accommodate
  2. Identify the correctly spelled word: A) Aggresive B) Aggressive C) Agressive D) Agresive Answer: B) Aggressive
  3. Choose the correctly spelled word: A) Belive B) Belief C) Beleive D) Belive Answer: B) Belief
  4. Which spelling is correct? A) Cemetary B) Cematary C) Cemetery D) Cemetary Answer: C) Cemetery
  5. Select the correctly spelled word: A) Committment B) Commitment C) Comitment D) Committment Answer: B) Commitment
  6. Choose the correctly spelled word: A) Embarrasment B) Embarrassment C) Embarasment D) Embarrasment Answer: B) Embarrassment
  7. Identify the correct spelling: A) Grateful B) Greatful C) Gratful D) Gratefull Answer: A) Grateful
  8. Which word is spelled correctly? A) Harassment B) Harrassment C) Harasment D) Harrasment Answer: A) Harassment
  9. Select the correctly spelled word: A) Inoculate B) Inocullate C) Inoccullate D) Inocullate Answer: A) Inoculate
  10. Choose the correctly spelled word: A) Mischievious B) Mischievous C) Mischeivous D) Mischievous Answer: B) Mischievous
  11. Which spelling is correct? A) Neccessary B) Necesssary C) Necessary D) Necesary Answer: C) Necessary
  12. Identify the correctly spelled word: A) Occassion B) Occasion C) Ocassion D) Occassion Answer: B) Occasion
  13. Choose the correctly spelled word: A) Parallellel B) Paralel C) Parallel D) Paralell Answer: C) Parallel
  14. Select the correctly spelled word: A) Possession B) Posession C) Possesion D) Posession Answer: A) Possession
  15. Which word is spelled correctly? A) Receive B) Recieve C) Receeve D) Receve Answer: A) Receive
  16. Identify the correct spelling: A) Recommend B) Recomend C) Reccomend D) Recommond Answer: A) Recommend
  17. Choose the correctly spelled word: A) Rhythym B) Rhythm C) Rhythem D) Rhythim Answer: B) Rhythm
  18. Select the correctly spelled word: A) Seperate B) Separate C) Seperatte D) Separete Answer: B) Separate
  19. Which spelling is correct? A) Supersede B) Supersede C) Superceed D) Supersede Answer: A) Supersede
  20. Identify the correct spelling: A) Tomatoes B) Tomatos C) Tomatoes D) Tomatoees Answer: A) Tomatoes
  21. Choose the correctly spelled word: A) Tragedy B) Tragidy C) Tragedie D) Tragady Answer: A) Tragedy
  22. Select the correctly spelled word: A) Unnessesary B) Unecessary C) Unnecesary D) Unnecessary Answer: D) Unnecessary
  23. Which word is spelled correctly? A) Vegence B) Vengeance C) Vengence D) Venjance Answer: B) Vengeance
  24. Identify the correct spelling: A) Wenesday B) Wendsday C) Wednesday D) Wednsday Answer: C) Wednesday
  25. Choose the correctly spelled word: A) Weird B) Wierd C) Wiered D) Weirded Answer: A) Weird

More spelling correction question answer

  1. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) Accommodation B) Accomodation C) Acommodation D) Acomodation Answer: A) Accommodation
  2. Identify the correctly spelled word: A) Dilema B) Delima C) Dilemma D) Dillema Answer: C) Dilemma
  3. Choose the correctly spelled word: A) Maintanance B) Maintenance C) Maintenence D) Maintainance Answer: B) Maintenance
  4. Select the correctly spelled word: A) Paralel B) Parralel C) Parallel D) Paralell Answer: C) Parallel
  5. Which word is spelled correctly? A) Superfluous B) Superflouous C) Superfluous D) Superflouus Answer: A) Superfluous
  6. Identify the correct spelling: A) Consciense B) Conscience C) Conscence D) Consceince Answer: B) Conscience
  7. Choose the correctly spelled word: A) Reciept B) Receept C) Receipt D) Recieptt Answer: C) Receipt
  8. Select the correctly spelled word: A) Preceeding B) Preceed C) Precede D) Preceeding Answer: C) Precede
  9. Which spelling is correct? A) Caffeteria B) Cafeteria C) Cafetaria D) Caffetaria Answer: B) Cafeteria
  10. Identify the correct spelling: A) Aggresion B) Aggression C) Agression D) Agresion Answer: B) Aggression
  11. Choose the correctly spelled word: A) Ambiguous B) Ambigous C) Ambigous D) Ambiguos Answer: A) Ambiguous
  12. Select the correctly spelled word: A) Appologize B) Apologize C) Appologise D) Apologise Answer: B) Apologize
  13. Which word is spelled correctly? A) Arithmetic B) Arithmatic C) Arithmatick D) Arithmatical Answer: A) Arithmetic
  14. Identify the correct spelling: A) Calendar B) Calender C) Calandar D) Callendar Answer: A) Calendar
  15. Choose the correctly spelled word: A) Catastrophy B) Catastrophe C) Catastrophy D) Castrophe Answer: B) Catastrophe
  16. Select the correctly spelled word: A) Compettition B) Competition C) Competittion D) Compitition Answer: B) Competition
  17. Which spelling is correct? A) Conscienceous B) Conscious C) Conscienous D) Consciencious Answer: B) Conscious
  18. Identify the correct spelling: A) Definately B) Definitely C) Definatly D) Definately Answer: B) Definitely
  19. Choose the correctly spelled word: A) Deparment B) Departement C) Department D) Departmant Answer: C) Department
  20. Select the correctly spelled word: A) Embarras B) Embarrass C) Embarass D) Embarras Answer: B) Embarrass
  21. Which spelling is correct? A) Exaggerate B) Exagerate C) Exageratte D) Exagerat Answer: A) Exaggerate
  22. Identify the correct spelling: A) Fascinate B) Fasinate C) Fassinate D) Fassinate Answer: A) Fascinate
  23. Choose the correctly spelled word: A) Government B) Govenment C) Govornment D) Governement Answer: A) Government
  24. Select the correctly spelled word: A) Leisure B) Liesure C) Liesure D) Lesure Answer: A) Leisure
  25. Which word is spelled correctly? A) Liaison B) Liason C) Liasion D) Liason Answer: A) Liaison